Sunday, November 4, 2007

Remember, if you're doing a video, we need to know what you're doing, why you're doing it, and how you're doing it.

I'm making a video presentation with Carly, Elizabeth, and Kim Armstrong (from Dr. Rice's class) about composition. We will be/have been interviewing professors from each of the four English departments, students in 1301, and C.I.'s and D.I.'s. We might also try to get other notable persons to comment. The questions we are posing are: What is the purpose of a composition class?; What makes up a good piece of composition?; What do you hope to get out of a comp. class/What do you hope your students will get out of a comp. class?; and How do you know if you are successful as a student/teacher? We would like to see what the common thread in people's opinions, despite their different leves of experience and specialty.

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Stephanie, I'm working on a group project as well, and it's really interesting to hear how different everyone's focus is. Your project sounds like it could shed some really great insight into the teaching of composition, etc. Just a question: have you guys come up with some sort of thesis statement for the project? I think that's probably the trickiest part of the whole thing. Your focus is definitely narrow, I think--which is tremendously helpful.