Monday, October 29, 2007

Blog Prompt: Using the "double entry" method, observe something and describe it (NOTE: try NOT to observe an academic experience; might be too political). Then, reflect on those observations. Communicate both in your blog--and we'll talk in class about how a reflective activity like this one might/might not be a good experience for students.

I'm describing an evening with my family (one of my brother's birthday dinner).
What I observed:
I watched him often. I smiled every time he even glanced in my direction. I tapped my foot often. I tried to get his attention anytime he was looking toward my dad. I repeatedly told him "happy birthday." This continued throughout the dinner.

I think I was trying so hard to make Michael's birthday good and happy. When my mom and dad have to coexist, it can get pretty un-fun, so I was watching him to see if he was noticing that. I was a bit preoccupied by the situation, so I think that's why I was tapping my foot. I was trying to make everything seem as natural as possible and really seem like I was having fun (because when others are having fun, it would be easier for him to have fun), but I felt like an actor, and I'm not very good at acting, so I think my foot-tapping was the result. I think my repeated "happy birthday's" were another form of distraction to try to keep him having fun...

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